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Sunday 31 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Tonight there is a Wobble reunion and if that means nothing to you, Wobble was a legendary all nighter in Birmingham, where I spent many a debauched Saturday night. The club was in the Jewelry Quarter, which at that time had not been done up and had a fairly run down, out of town, industrial feel to it, which kind of added to the glamour. A tight knit crowd of regulars built up, who shared some great times listening to an excellent selection of dance music and DJs, mixing up Chicago house and American tracks to British house music, with plenty of curve balls chucked in for good measure. It was basically a party night, designed to have the best time possible.  I have plenty of great memories. The gossip was that the venue was formerly a brothel, then a recording studio, which is why the floor actually wobbled, as it was built to be conducive to sound. Sounds like bollocks to me too and I certainly recall plenty of other reasons as to why the floor wobbled. I first went to Wobble in 1992, so it will be a 21 year anniversary for friends of mine that I know have gone tonight and who I hope have had a cracking time. To be honest, I don’t think I could do it these days, maybe next time I will have to prove to myself that I have one last all nighter inside me…

Head Space Daily Image...

This graffiti is sloppily daubed on the wall of a neighbouring street and brings a smile to my face whenever I see it as the perpetrator - a Crystal Palace supporter - was obviously so drunk that he mispelt the initials of his team, writing CPPC and having to change the second P into an F. Doh...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - Let The Beat Hit 'Em

This is one of those tunes - a club classic. Not a regular Wobble track but I can remember the impact it had whenever it was played. Joyous faces, arms in the air, musical elation. Ba da da dum ba dum...

Saturday 30 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Tonights Head Space Daily goes out early as we're off to Ronnie Scott's in Soho this evening. Going to Ronnie's feels like walking on hallowed turf - a legendary jazz venue that's been going since 1959. I've been there twice before. The first time to see Roy Ayers in the late 90s and a few years ago for the launch of Bonobo's Black Sands album, where I also saw the fantastic Andreya Triana, who sings on a few of Bonobo's tracks, for the first time. The club has a tangible awe of excitement the moment you walk through the door. The venue is pretty small, so you are right in there with the artists and musicians. Tonight we are seeing Marlena Shaw, (see today's Daily Tune,)whom we saw, again in the late 90s, playing with Jean Carn at a club in Islington called The Rhythmic. She is an incredible vocalist and performer, properly out of the old 60s soul stable and there aren't too many of those left unfortunately. To say that I am thoroughly excited would be an understatement... 

Head Space Daily Image...

These VHS videos I saw today in a skip on a neighbouring street are very indicative of having belonged to a woman of a certain age. The very 90s Calinetics work out video gives away the fact that they belonged to a female, Bagpuss points to an early to mid 1970s childhood, with the Radiohead live at the Astoria alluding to an early to mid 90s indie preference. 'Skip junk profiling', a fascinating way to pass the time...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Marlena Shaw - Wade In The Water

We're seeing Marlena Shaw with some friends who we haven't seen in a long time. Marlena has a whole string of amazing tunes to her name but Wade In The Water is a soul classic and probably not as widely known as her other big northern tune, California Soul. Enjoy...

Friday 29 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

When you are younger, Bank Holidays are there to sleep off the excesses of the night before and recover lazily from your hangover. When you are a grown up, Bank Holidays are for gardening (see Daily Image,) and DIY. Today, I dug over the bed on one side of the garden, before going to the park for a kick around with my boys. What treats will Bank Holiday Monday have in store? Maybe a trip to B+Q...

Head Space Daily Image...

It's no Arthur Fowler but this is our shed, on our little patch of world and it was good to be back outside today...

Head Space Daily Tune...

The White Stripes - Dead Leaves And the Dirty Ground

Having been out in the garden today, there were plenty of dead leaves on the dirty ground, so it is The white Stripes all the way...

Thursday 28 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Ah bliss. A four day weekend. The year's first pause for a cause, for taking stock of what's been and dreaming of what may come. A time to put on the brakes, yet preparing to kick start. A moment to reflect and get ready for the next push. Recharge, relax, reoptimise (is that a word...?)

Head Space Daily Image...

It's amazing how taking a picture of something can elevate it. This Haribo wrapper lying on the pavement caught my eye for some reason and I'm glad it did...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Ride - Vapour Trail

This is a proper blast from my indie past. A time when I was packing in the gigs as a sixth former. Formative years indeed. Ride flickered brightly in the early 90s, then faded almost as soon as they had arrived. I saw them at the Digbeth Irish Centre in Birmingham, I think it was 1991. They made some good tracks, with Vapour Trail being one of my favourites. I particularly like the strings with which the song closes...

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

This evening I felt as if my toes were suffering from frostbite. Hopping from foot to foot on a grass verge, outside the court where my eldest son was having his tennis class, my toes were quite literally numb with cold. He loves it though, learning and becoming a better player every week. Part of being a parent is to give your kids the opportunity to try things out and experience new activities. I’ve stood on many a touchline with the footy dads, in the pouring rain and now it’s time for me to grace the tennis court with my presence. Before he went to bed this evening my son wanted to play me some Two Door Cinema Club tracks that he is into at the moment. It made me think that I don’t mind doing anything for him, so long as he supports the right football team and has decent taste in music…

Head Space Daily Image...

This was the make shift film set in my dining room last week as Bubbles the fish (in the goldfish bowl on the left,) was filmed for his debut movie role in the as yet unnamed movie...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Laura Marling - Where Can I Go?

I do have a soft spot for the tunes of Laura Marling. Her fourth album is due to be released imminently and she is only twenty three years old - prolific singer songwriting. This is a track from the new album Once I Was An Eagle, with a slight country feel and a Bob Dylan-esque organ from Positively 4th Street...

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

You can tell the school term is coming to an end when your kids start getting ill. Today it was the turn of our youngest son, who has been off with an ear infection. All last night he was wriggling around in our bed like a frisky eel. No doubt he'll wake up tomorrow right as rain - they usually do. In other news, my short film - starring Bubbles the fish - is slowly taking shape. The script has been voiced, music selected and the cut can now commence...

Head Space Daily Image...

A classic bottle of children's 'banana' flavoured medicine...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Dutch Uncles - Fester

I bloody love this. It is one of those tunes that has taken a while to be fully appreciated, which is no bad thing. Note to self - must buy the Dutch Uncles album...

Monday 25 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Today has been the coldest day and in an act of stubborn defiance, to avoid paying any more extortionate fuel costs than is necessary, I refused to turn on the heating before it was due to come on. Oh yes, fight the power. All day I have sat in my office, wearing my hat and scarf (see Daily Image,) flicking two fingers at the cold Bitch of Winter. Not until one of my sons said to me late this afternoon "Dad, my fingers are numb," did I relent. Take that, you cold hearted wench...

Head Space Daily Image...

Here are the scarf and hat that helped me to battle the cold Bitch of Winter today...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Walter Jackson - Coldest Days Of My Life

A gorgeous tune. The title says it all...

Sunday 24 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Yesterday I was talking about the first record I bought and my early dealings with music. I mentioned how I felt older brothers and sisters could be an influence on your tastes, which is something that I didn’t have, being the eldest sibling. One of my school friends did have the influence of an older brother though. He was a massive U2 fan, so after being introduced to the early albums, I too became a U2 obsessive. Then, The Joshua Tree came out, which was a huge album at the time and the offer of a ticket to see the band live, with my friend and his brother came about. On August 4th 1987, four days before my 14th birthday, I saw U2 at the NEC Arena in Birmingham. The atmosphere was a living wave of human emotion, as ten thousand people jumped in unison, belted out the lyrics and punched the air as one. It was the first time I had felt music as a shared experience and it left me wanting more. That night was a defining moment and set me on a path of gigs and clubs, with a love of sharing live musical experiences. I moved on from U2 as my major musical driving force pretty quickly but that night at the NEC has always lived on…

Head Space Daily Image...

The Union Jack was being tossed about in today's blustery wind outside the local British Legion club...

Head Space Daily Tune...

U2 - Lemon (David Morales Bad Yard Club Mix)

I moved on from U2 after Rattle and Hum came out and by the time Zooropa was released in 1993, I was a student in Sheffield and fully into dance music and the club scene. The remixed 12" of Lemon was a corking record though and I picked a copy up from Warp Records on Division Street. The Oakenfold remix was the big arms in the air club anthem but this David Morales Bad Yard Club Remix is the killer cut as it is much more subtle and has stood the test of time. It is amazing how a good remix can change the essence of a tune...

Saturday 23 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Right. Let's talk music. Specifically, first records bought. I am usually a touch disbelieving, if not slightly jealous, when someone announces that the first record they bought was by The Clash, The Specials, The Jam, Bowie, or some other cool and significant act. I always think you needed hip parents who had their finger on the pulse of good music, or an older brother or sister, who was into the good stuff and passing on their influence. For me, I had neither. There were the ubiquitous Beatles Greatest Hits tapes which my mum and dad owned and were great to listen to, there was also plenty of Cliff Richard and Showaddywaddy in our house. I had to find my own way. We didn't have a record player at home, so when I got a 'music centre' from Dixon's for my twelfth birthday, in August 1985, it was a revelation. At that point, I followed the charts, which were a big deal in those days. Any record in the top three, I deemed worthy of recognition. The first record I bought, to be played on my stereo, was by Red Box - I've had to look up the title - called Lean On Me (Ah Li Ayo,) which got to number three in the Top 40. I can still picture my bedroom at that moment and recollect the excitement I felt as Red Box came out of my speakers, in my bedroom, at a volume I had not heard before. It felt amazing. Watching the vinyl spin around, bringing the arm ever closer to the centre of the turntable was hypnotic. I had bought tapes of Madness, Adam and The Ants and Michael Jackson albums up to that point but now, with a record player and the chance to purchase vinyl (the format debate can be saved for another time,) I could now embark on a musical education - a journey of discovery - in which you have to mine the dirt before you come across the gems...
(Next up will be my first gig...)

Head Space Daily Image...

There is nothing outside my window today, other than general greyness. Therefore, here is a photo from a couple of weeks ago, taken at the top of Regent Street, as dusk fell. I love the deep blue of the sky and the busy optimism it makes me feel...

Head Space Daily Tune...

David Bowie - Right

We're having a couple of long time close friends over this evening. They went to the opening of the David Bowie exhibition at the V+A yesterday, which I'm looking forward to hearing about. Bowie is one of those culture affecting artists who I am still discovering bit by bit. I was born two years after Hunky Dory was released so can't claim to have been there at the time. The first Bowie album I really embraced was Young Americans, I think because it is closest to the sort of music that I love. It has a soulful kind of flavour in it's vocals and arrangements - a young Luther Vandross is on backing vocals - and on this track, Bowie seems to chuck in a couple of James Brown signature grunts. Awesome...

Friday 22 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

The rushes have been logged, the First Draft of the script written and Bubbles The Movie (working title,) will hopefully take shape over the coming weeks. I'm excited, Bubbles is excited and our house is oozing with anticipation, which is a good thing as the weather has been nothing to get worked up about. Today has been ridiculously cold and it doesn't look like it will warm up any time soon. The wind is howling again, the windows rattling and the bathroom is like an ice box. My eldest son was off school today and we were looking at some of his homework. My word, he is a clever lad. He was explaining things to me, when it should be the other way around. It's like being back at school again, only this time I am enjoying learning. You're never too old to learn...

Head Space Daily Image...

This innocuous looking building, set back from the road, is a Hindu Temple located a few minutes walk from our house. Some nicely decorated steps...

Head Space Daily Tune...

Afrika Bambaata - Planet Rock

There has been a big Kraftwerk revival this year, with the Tate Modern shows and I see they are playing Latitude as well. I can't claim to be an avid follower, although I obviously respect their huge influence on the development of electronic music and beyond. Apart from the top 40 hits in the 80s like The Model and Tour De France, the first time I was blown away was when I heard Trans Europe Express sampled by Afrika Bambaata on Planet Rock - an electro classic. In the attached link to the video, Afrika and his Soul Sonic Force, are coming across like Sun Ra meets the Village People. The video also captures the times with some fantastic breakdancing footage...

Thursday 21 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Filming began today on my latest movie project. The yet untitled film stars our fish, 'Bubbles' - a picture of whom featured in an early edition of Head Space Daily. Bubbles has a reputation within the industry as a temperamental, one eyed diva - an egotistical manipulator, who can't keep his fins to himself and is right up his own arse. I was expecting the worst. After aborted early takes, involving a scuffle with a light house and almost swallowing a turquoise stone, Bubbles hit his stride. He was a natural performer, a proper old pro. Filming him from several angles to obtain the greatest variety of shot, he swam beautifully in never decreasing circles, first one way, then the other, occasionally throwing in a curve ball and mercurially darting with regal elegance between his weeds, down the centre of his bowl. At the end of a tiring shoot, we parted on the best of terms, a job well done, with the promise of an introduction to Johnny Vaughan. It was great to see a master at work in such close quarters...

Head Space Daily Image...

This morning was my youngest son's school curriculum assembly, which was dead good, with all the kids pulling together and doing their best. I don't get to that many of these events, so I have to savour them. There was a performance about Egyptians, specifically focussing on mummification - corpse preservation (nice) - followed by a display of art work - check picture...

Head Space Daily Tune...

The Stepkids - Legend In My Own Mind

My eldest son was up last night being sick with a stomach bug, so sleep was minimal. This tune from The Stepkids, whose album is very good by the way, pretty much summed up how I was feeling for most of today. Pretty spaced...

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

I was walking the streets of Bromley today, when this old boy took a tumble. He tripped over the curb and went arse over apex, flat on his face. He must have been in his late 80s at least, dressed up all smart in his suit and tie, like an old fashioned granddad. I helped him back to his feet, which believe you me, was a bit of a struggle and wished him well. He seemed OK as he patted his hair back into a silver side parting, repositioned his tie and shuffled off down the street. I’m pretty sure he’ll wake up tomorrow with a bruise or two to remember the occasion…