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Thursday 22 October 2015

Head Space Daily Words...

Two notes of a piano keyboard being repetitively struck in quick succession hit me in the stomach on my tube journey to work, with an uncontrollable urge and sense of excitement. The kind a child gets when they wake up on their birthday; the feeling you have when a memory takes you back to a time and place; the volt of energy you receive when you set eyes on a long absent loved one. It is a primal instinct over which you have no control. The sort of reaction that gives you the positive energy to start another day and see it through.

These early morning epiphanies on the tube are becoming a regular occurrence.  The two repetitive piano notes which kicked me out of my slumbers came from LCD Sound System's All My Friends, from their Sound Of Silver LP. A fabulous tune with exactly the right balance of uplifting melancholia to get the blood racing and it was just what I needed on that particular morning commute. 

The music fits the mood and it isn’t always in need of the rabble rousing. Other tracks to grab my start of the day attention have ranged from the dreamy and soulful Connan Mockasin on his sublime Caramel LP, to Aaliyah and her self titled album. As the train headed towards Surrey Quays, with Millwall Football Club to my left, towering in the distance on the other side of the train, the tip of One Canada Square was submerged in low lying cloud, whilst I Can Be, the third track on Aaliyah’s album entertained my ears. The girl had a wonderful voice and like so many musical talents was taken from us way too early.

This morning, the laid back drawl of Q-Tip spoke to me as he accompanied Masters At Work on a version of I Am The Black Gold Of The Sun, part of the daily musical mix which helps my journey to work go by in a range of sounds, words and musical textures.

Head Space Daily Image...

A tube train.

Head Space Daily Tune...

There is no better sound to drag you out of an early morning downer and get you going than this glorious little tune from James Murphy's LCD Sound System.

LCD Sound System - All My Friends

If it is a more mellow and slightly abstract feel you are after, then look no further than the wonderfully eccentric Connan Mockasin.

Connan Mockasin - Do I Make You Feel Shy

For a slice of dramatic, over the top, early 90s soulful R&B, then Aaliyah will take you there.

Aaliyah - I Refuse

And finally, let Masters At Work take a classic Rotary Connection song and add the most laid back sounding rapper to ever walk the planet and you've gone to another place all together.

Masters At Work feat. Q Tip - I Am The Black Gold Of The Sun