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Wednesday 22 June 2016

Head Space Daily Words...

The EU referendum is huge. General elections come and go, governments rise and fall but tomorrow is beyond mere politics, it is about defining our culture and who we are. The culture I believe in is of diversity, not turning your back on your neighbours. It is of openness, not isolation. I believe in hope, not fear and in playing a part, not becoming a narrow minded little island. The xenophobia of the Leave campaign has been sickening, at times veering towards racism. We are better than that. Aren’t we? Why put our jobs, workers rights, the economy and the NHS at risk? If we vote leave, it will be like going down with the titanic, singing Land of Hope and Glory, waving those little plastic union flags as we disappear out of sight. I have neither the intelligence nor the knowledge to understand the intricacies and subtleties of the EU but please don’t vote to cut us off. Don’t detach us from the world. If we vote out, there will be no turning back. In my view, we have to vote Remain.