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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

My kids are on half term at the moment and in my current jobless/freelance state and with the rain pouring down outside, today was a cinema day. Looking at the listings there were two possible films to go and see. Namely, Epic and All Stars. We asked our boys which one they would like to see and the resounding answer was "the one with real people." Hallelujah. The trailer for Epic is the usual CGI nonsense of style over substance. A booming OTT voice over gives it all the "in a world where blah de blah," before name checking a list of the dozen or so star voices of various repulsive insect characters. Yawn, seen it all before, move on please and besides that, the trailer told us nothing about the movie. The trailer for All Stars on the other hand made it clear that it was the story of a bunch of kids trying to save their beloved youth club from the grubby hands of the evil developers. Simple. Could they do it? How would they do it? The force of good against evil. Immediately my kids are wondering how it's going to turn out and were intrigued by the personalities and relationships of the group. It was actually a very good film, nicely shot, well scripted and some very nice moments. Some of it was a little cliched but all films have some element of cliche and after all this is aimed at children. My favourite moment was where the main character - Jayden - drifts into his imagination, whilst sitting an exam, finding himself in a setting of paper cut trees and life size paper cut robots, leading to a Wu-Tang style martial arts sequence. Very nicely done. I won't give away the ending beyond it doesn't involve death or tragedy but if you have kids and a rainy day, the film is well worth going to see. My youngest, who is eight and a half years old declared it was the best film he had ever seen and wants a copy on DVD. Praise indeed...

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