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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

At this time of year, with the blue skies and the sunshine, I love staring to the heavens, to see the far flung, glistening dots of aeroplanes leaving their vapour trails, jetting off to unknown, exotic destinations. Then, there is the deep low rumble, as planes make their steady descent to land at Heathrow, passing low enough overhead to see the Emirates, Etihad, or other football shirt sponsor on the tail fins and I imagine where the people on board have come from. When I was a kid growing up, I would do exactly the same thing, as planes prepared to land at Birmingham airport, staring skywards in awe, wondering about the people on board. Where did they come from? Or alternatively, where were they going? The world felt like my oyster, which is a bizarre expression, as oysters are slimy and rather unpleasant but anyway, the opportunities for travel and adventure when I was older, felt boundless. It is now ten years since I was last on an aeroplane, visiting friends for a holiday in Barcelona. I even spent a couple of years doing Spanish evening classes, in case the chance to live in Spain ever arose. Nowadays, my Spanish has become confused with my French, so when I try and speak in French, when we go on our yearly camping holiday to Brittany, some sort of hybrid or Frenish comes out of my mouth, to which the knowing waiter or shop assistant smiles, nods, appreciates the effort, then speaks to me in English. I was never a big fan of flying but it gets you from A to B and to be up amongst the clouds looking down over snow capped mountains, the Pyrenees I believe, is really something quite special. A visit to our Brazilian family is a possibility next year and it would be nice to go on a big plane, for a big holiday, before the boys are too big to be seen with their embarrassing folks. Also, it would be pretty cool to break out of Europe and go to another continent, in another hemisphere and see different stars - although looking on Google, the stars in the Southern Hemisphere don't look a patch on the ones of the Northern Hemisphere. The stars in the Northern Hemisphere seem to be disproportionately more interesting. I digress once more but in the meantime, I will be looking skywards and dreaming...

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