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Thursday 23 May 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

Sitting on my train this morning with the new Deerhunter album blaring in my ears, I couldn't help thinking that the world is a weird fucking place. As we trundled past the Georgian houses of Paddington and 60s high rise council blocks, Trellick Tower on the right and through the Crossrail extension construction works, aimed at modernising the rail system at Paddington Station, I wondered just how far have we actually come as a race of people. The train picked up speed, zooming beneath unending cables, as we passed over a canal en route to Hayes and Harlington, with calm little barges, peacefully floating on the surface, before passing under a bridge, supporting a dual carriage way, vehicles roaring overhead, then pulling up alongside the Nestle factory, billowing out plumes of thick grey smoke. I have never been on a barge, let alone had the desire to live on one but out of the three images, that felt the most appealing. No progress or technology with a simple barge, just you bobbing on the water. Technology and means of communication have developed hugely but are only really useful when they are used in a positive way. We spend so much time communicating in virtual grunts, mixed messages and abbreviations via e mail and so little time actually making real connections, that we only ever scratch the surface. We end up living in a world of unfinished sentences, misread statements, exclamation marks and double meanings. The basic function of speaking face to face is still the best way forward. As Bob Hoskins said on those BT ads years ago - "It's good to talk."

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