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Monday 13 May 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

On Saturday, due to a combination of tiredness and a beer at the football, I drifted off to sleep during half time of the FA Cup Final. It was that kind of lucid semi-sleep, where you are just dipping beneath the surface, not diving all the way into blackness but almost existing in two worlds at the same time. You might call it dozing off. Around ten minutes into the second half I surfaced, dazed and confused from my slumber to utter the immortal words “we’ve got cheese haven’t we?” As the words were coming out of my mouth, I became aware of what I was saying but it was too late to stop them forming and being released. Where it came from, I have no idea. As I was in my mum and dad’s front room at the time, this crazy drivel provided no end of amusement and bewilderment to my parents, my missus and my boys. What sort of stupidity goes on in our sub conscious? Perhaps I believed I was Wallace from Wallace and Gromit or maybe I was preparing a mental shopping list? Does Barack Obama ever dream of cheese? Who knows…

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