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Friday 28 June 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

I was taking a look at some of the pictures from my eldest son's recent school trip to Spain and on a couple of photos there he was, surrounded by his mates, sticking up his thumb. He was the only one doing it, so it's obviously not something that they all do and for this I take full responsibility, as Brummies love to stick their thumbs up. There are many photographs from my childhood of me stood there, wildly grinning, with my thumb or thumbs raised, as an affirmation of enjoyment. I strongly believe this is a Birmingham thing. Several of my old mates from back home are known to frequently partake in the thumbs up acknowledgement. I feel it almost verges on the masonic - a kind of regional identifier. A few years back on that BBC drama, Ashes to Ashes, Matthew Mcfadyen played a character who was from Birmingham and it was really well observed both in the accent and the mannerisms, in particular sticking his thumb up. So, there we have conclusive proof that Brummies love to stick their thumbs up...

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