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Saturday 1 June 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

After seeing the ever amazing Andreya Triana at the Union Chapel yesterday evening, I then caught the train home. There is always something of interest on a late night journey home (see last Saturday's Daily Words,) always someone who has drunk a little too much, willing to make a spectacle of themselves. Last night it was the turn of a girl from Birmingham, who looked to be in her early twenties and eventually got off at New Cross Gate. Before leaving us all in peace, she had a good humoured, yet slightly exasperated rant at how nobody in London talks to each other on public transport, before embellishing this further by declaring that everyone in Birmingham speaks to one another on trains and buses. That's right - everyone. Well, coming from Birmingham, I can confidently state that I have never held a conversation with a random person on public transport in the city, or seen people freely indulging in such a practice. She painted a picture of Birmingham buses and trains as a debauched and vibrant hive of chatter and conviviality. Birmingham, the centre of late night love and brotherhood on the night bus and the ghost train, whilst the poor cockneys ignore one another. I don't see anything wrong with keeping yourself to yourself and respecting other people's privacy. I think there was a touch of the them and us that people who don't come from London often have but mostly, she was pissed, a touch over excited and talking a little crazy. Right, at the moment I am writing this, Craig Charles is playing Ordinary Joe by the sadly and always missed Terry Callier (I'll post it tomorrow), so it is a good time to call it a day and leave you with the thought of everyone in Birmingham being on acid...

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