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Wednesday 26 June 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

I went to the David Bowie Is exhibition at the V&A today. His body of work and ability to constantly reinvent himself is beyond belief. I liked the fact that he spent the first few years of his life living on Stansfield Road in Brixton, which is just round the corner from where we bought our first flat many years ago - that must make us almost related!! The exhibition itself was way too busy and the wifi audio accompaniment kept dropping in and out and shutting off completely after a relatively early stage of the tour. Having said that though it was a really comprehensive, interesting show. I have only started to truly discover Bowie over these past few years. The bulk of his most impressive work had been released by the time I was seven years old, so I can hardly claim to have been there. As you collect his albums and find out about his work, you become aware of how good and how influential it is and realise the guy took risks constantly and had total and utter conviction in what he was doing. Nothing scared him. When the more conservative section of society is bewildered by and pouring scorn on this androgynous, ginger freak, whilst da youth are completely getting it, you know that something important and culture shifting is going on. I've done most of his early albums. I think Low and the Berlin trilogy is next on the list to be explored...

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