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Wednesday 19 June 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

This morning I was rescuing our magnolia tree from snails – the little buggers have decimated the poor thing – when the doorbell rang. It was a guy who delivers packages. Not from UPS or Parcelforce or anywhere flash – just a regular geezer who turns up with an electronic gadget for me to sign. We always have a little chat about the weather, as you do, before he gets on his way.  The number of visits I am saving our neighbours to the collection depot is racking up. No sooner had I resumed my snail collecting, than the doorbell rang again. This time, two girls in their late teens or early twenties, were smiling up at me, one slightly cowering behind the other and before I could say anything, the girl standing in front, brazenly launched into a speech – “Hello, we are Jehovah’s Witnesses and the reason we go door to door is to offer free bible classes in your home. Would you be interested?” I instantly replied “No,” to which she responded with “OK then, bye,” and I closed the door and returned to my snails. They could be doing so much more with their lives. Following a religion is fine but on such a lovely sunny day, surely you can give yourself some time off from ‘spreading the word.’ In total I extracted seventeen snails from the magnolia tree, which now looks like it has been machine gunned, judging by the number of holes in the leaves. It made me think back to a family holiday we had in a teepee in Cornwall several years ago. It was the usual, first week of August deluge and inside the tent, we were confronted by over twenty slugs sticking to the wall of the teepee, which looked deceptively bigger on the company’s website but in reality was minute. We swore to never have our summer holiday in Britain again. My musical interlude today came from a Cut Chemist mix tape, as I travelled from South East London to North West London, taking me on a journey from West Africa to North Africa. Excellent stuff. A job application was e-mailed and my youngest son’s tennis lesson attended. Oh yes, next season’s football fixtures were released today as well and to think it all started with the intensive removal of snails from a magnolia tree…

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