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Tuesday 9 July 2013

Head Space Daily Words...

My youngest son has been watching the film Cool Runnings - about the Jamaican bobsleigh team - continuously for the past week or so, alongside the movie version of Matilda.  He keeps walking around the house singing in his best Jamaican accent, "Jamaica, we have a bobsleigh team." Speaking of cool runnings, I went for my first run today and it was baking hot but good to get the first one under my belt. My new shorts are way too small and force me to shorten my running stride but the trainers are good and bouncing. I went off far too quickly and was huffing and puffing by the end of my fifteen minutes, so my pace needs to be worked on.  I need to gently ease myself in and gradually build it up. The major positive effect of exercise is that it gives you a feel good energy burst, so the house is getting a seeing to this afternoon - in other words, I will be cleaning and doing housework; most probably whilst listening to the Thundercat album, Deptford Goth, which I haven't given a proper hearing to yet and I can see Kurt Vile popping into the mix as well. My youngest son had his end of term curriculum assembly this morning, which was quite a surreal piece about kings and queens. They are racing towards the school summer holiday now. Time flies...

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